sábado, 17 de diciembre de 2011

A New Challenge

Learning English is exciting and it’s fun, but not as much as lying in the sun.
(Yes, I know this first line doesn’t make much sense, but it does rhyme).
Steve Jobs taught us "The only way to do great work is to love what you do."
We learnt about travelling with Sir Richard Francis Burton and E.M. Forster.
And we learn about Indian culture watching the film A Passage to India.
Both Leonard Cohen and Sting sang for us; and then, Christmas carols we sang.
We first described a picture, The Fall of Icarus, in the intimacy of our classroom.
And later there we were, one by one, describing a picture at an exhibition of art.
Robert Kennedy and Malcolm Gladwell; corporations…..global issues are the best.
At this moment, it is Noam Chomsky’s turn to give all of us a magnificent lesson.
And Nelson Mandela and Richard Stengel will be spending next Christmas with us.
“Regular, consistent practice and work are the key.”
Those were Emilio’s words at the beginning of this trip.
I’m sure he’s right, and I hope all of us
will be finishing this great adventure together.
If you like trees, have a look at these Xmas trees.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone.

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