domingo, 22 de enero de 2012

Chomsky's summary

Maybe it's a little bit late, but I always forget to put Chomsky's summary on my blog. Here it is.
Those who control the energy reserves in the Middle East would control the world. Therefore, the US delineated a “Grand Area” within which they would maintain its military and economic supremacy. Moreover, they would ensure the limitation of any exercise of sovereignty by states that might interfere with its global designs.
Hence, there exists the perception in the Arab world that the US and its allies support dictatorships and block democracy and development. If public opinion were to influence policy, the US and its allies would be expelled from the region. Moreover, the US was facing similar problems in the early 19th century. However, after the World War II the US displaced Britain as global hegemony.
Western power remains hostile to democracy in the Arab world for good reasons. Instability is only caused by those who oppose the US and its allies. First, the Iranian threat: Iran’s potential deterrent capacity and its efforts to extend its influence to neighbouring countries. Second, China’s growing military and commercial power is also a threat. China is expanding its dominant role in Iran’s energy industries and, what is more, it is not impressed by US warnings.
Although, the Grand Area doctrine still prevails the capacity to implement it has declined. Wealth and power have narrowly concentrated. Furthermore, the main architects of the crisis are richer than ever. Therefore, propaganda must seek to blame others: public sector workers, their fat salaries, exorbitant pensions and so on. Immigrants are a fine target, too. This is also happening in Europe, where racism is probably more rampant than in the Us.
Another externality that is dismissed in market systems is the fate of the species. No one will come to the rescue if the environment is destroyed. Business leaders understand full well how grave is the threat. But they must maximize short-term profit and market share. Markets will lead our lives while we are passive, apathetic, diverted to consumerism or hatred of the invulnerable.

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